Dreams. Do you remember yours? How do they affect you? Do you understand what they mean? Are they telling you some secret info?
We begin with a sharing of my recent dream. Beware, this dream is strange...
The significant part, the part which I recall, is the scene wherein I discovered an object of interest. It was laying on its side, an unusual, other-worldy shape. It was bluish tint colors, it was like glass, translucent, perhaps slightly glowing. It had spikes or tentacles, they seemed to be hard and solid, yet they also seemed to be able to be flexible and move around. SO the shape was like an hour-glass roughly, but it had more appendages coming out of it, very complex. but like an hour glass it was shaped along an axis, the two ends were wider and similar to each other.
I approached it with a glass jar of sorts. I tried to place the jar carefully over the thing. But then it moved. It started to shoot or extend its spikes, its tentacles, its projectiles. The jar was able to contain or deflect most of it. But unfortunately some of the projectiles escaped and I suspected that they were getting onto me. They did, to my shock.
Soon thereafter I was focused on my left hand. Not the palm, the back of the hand. and there were the same color spikes coming out of the skin, protruding from the flesh, sometimes they would come to the surface. Then when I pressed on the skin, they would appear or protrude more from the skin. There was a worm like, tentacle shape to all of it, this colony from the main object.
I wonder what it all symbolizes. Is it real in some way? Is it on the spiritual, astral level? Or is it merely imagination?
We begin with a sharing of my recent dream. Beware, this dream is strange...
The significant part, the part which I recall, is the scene wherein I discovered an object of interest. It was laying on its side, an unusual, other-worldy shape. It was bluish tint colors, it was like glass, translucent, perhaps slightly glowing. It had spikes or tentacles, they seemed to be hard and solid, yet they also seemed to be able to be flexible and move around. SO the shape was like an hour-glass roughly, but it had more appendages coming out of it, very complex. but like an hour glass it was shaped along an axis, the two ends were wider and similar to each other.
I approached it with a glass jar of sorts. I tried to place the jar carefully over the thing. But then it moved. It started to shoot or extend its spikes, its tentacles, its projectiles. The jar was able to contain or deflect most of it. But unfortunately some of the projectiles escaped and I suspected that they were getting onto me. They did, to my shock.
Soon thereafter I was focused on my left hand. Not the palm, the back of the hand. and there were the same color spikes coming out of the skin, protruding from the flesh, sometimes they would come to the surface. Then when I pressed on the skin, they would appear or protrude more from the skin. There was a worm like, tentacle shape to all of it, this colony from the main object.
I wonder what it all symbolizes. Is it real in some way? Is it on the spiritual, astral level? Or is it merely imagination?